序号 | 作者 | 论文名称 | 发表刊物 |
1 | 蔡杏伟 | Complete mitochondrial genome of Vanmanenia hainanensis (Cypriniformes: Gastromyzontidae) | Mitochondrial DNA Part B resources |
2 | 蔡杏伟 | The complete mitogenome of Liniparhomaloptera qiongzhongensis (Cypriniformes: Gastromyzontidae) and phylogenetic implications | Mitochondrial DNA Part B resources |
3 | 蔡杏伟 | 鱼类群落调控在浅水湖泊生态修复中的作用:以傀儡湖为例 | 中国水产科学 |
4 | 蔡杏伟 | Manipulation of fish community structure effectively restores submerged aquatic vegetation in a shallow subtropical lake | Environmental Pollution |
5 | 申志新 | 海南岛索氏桃花水母的遗传学鉴定 | 海南热带海洋学院学报 |
6 | 申志新 | 海南岛淡水蟹类分布格局与多样性?;?/td> | 生物多样性 |
7 | 王镇江 | 海南尖峰岭国家级自然?;で锛靖∮紊锏鞑槠兰?/td> | 安徽农业科学 |
8 | 沈捷 | 泰来草WOX转录因子的筛选与结构分析 | 应用海洋学学报 |
9 | 沈捷 | Transcriptome-wide identification and characterization of the MYB gene family in sickle seagrass (Thalassia hemprichii) | Ecological Genetics and Genomics |
10 | 蔡泽富,陈石泉,吴钟解,沈捷,谢珍玉,骆丽珍,庞巧珠,章翔,王道儒 | 海草床微生物研究进展 | 海洋学报 |
11 | 吴程宏; 张羽翔; 刘维; 赵海龙; 陈敏 | 基于上岸渔获调查的海南岛近海渔场伏季休渔效果评价 | 渔业研究 |
12 | Xinqing ZHENG,, Yuanchao LI , Jilin LIANG , Rongcheng LIN , Daoru WANG |
Performance of ecological restoration in an impaired coral reef in the Wuzhizhou Island, Sanya, China |
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology |
13 | 符俊优 | 2017年春季海口湾浮游植物群落结构 | 热带农业工程 |
14 | 蒙健娇 | 2017年冬季海口湾网采浮游植物和赤潮生物研究 | 热带农业工程 |
15 | 曾广锐 | 2017年冬季??谕甯∮沃参锶郝浣峁?/td> | 热带农业工程 |
16 | 蒙健娇 | 2017年春季??谕逋筛∮沃参锖统喑鄙镅芯?/td> | 热带农业工程 |
17 | 庞巧珠 | 黎安港海水和沉积物中叶绿素a含量及与环境因子的关系分析 | 海洋湖沼通报 |
18 | 骆丽珍 | 海南八门湾红树林保护区海水富营养化评价及其主成分分析 | 海洋湖沼通报 |
19 | 陈丹丹 | 后水湾深水网箱养殖区浮游植物群落季节变化及其与环境因子的关系 | 海洋环境科学 |
20 | 谢福武 | CommunitystructureofplanktoniccopepodsinartificialreefsofWenchang,Hainan | 海洋通报英文版MarineScienceBulletin |
21 | 陈小艳 | 《基于层次分析法的海南省潟湖综合整治选址方案研究》 | 《城镇建设》,2020年第3卷25期 |
22 | 陈小艳 | 《海南文昌人工岛对砂质海岸演变的影响与修复措施》 | 《工程技术》,2020年10月 |
23 | 谭围 | The complete mitochondrial genome of Slender Giant Moray Strophidon sathete (Hamilton,1822) | Mitochondrial DNA. Part B, Resources |
24 | 高进 | 豹纹鳃棘鲈差异流速下肝脏转录组分析 | 南方水产科学 |
25 | 曾俊 | 不同营养盐条件对琼枝生长的影响 | 渔业科学进展 |
26 | 唐贤明 | 光照强度与琼枝藻生长、光合色素和颜色值的相关性分析 | 南方水产科学 |
27 | 唐贤明 | Effective removal of the herbicide glyphosate by the kelp Saccharina japonica female gametophytes from saline waters and its mechanism elucidation | Chemosphere |
28 | 刘洪涛 | Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of convex reef crab Carpilius convexus (Forsk?l, 1775) |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
29 | 刘洪涛 | Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of prickly redfish Thelenotaananas (Jaeger, 1833) |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
30 | 刘洪涛 | The complete mitochondrial genome of longlegged spiny lobster Panulirus longipes (A. Milne Edwards, 1868) |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
31 | 刘洪涛 | The complete mitochondrial genome of pronghorn spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791) |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
32 | 刘洪涛 | The complete mitochondrial genome of spiny spooner Etisus dentatus (Herbst, 1785) using high-throughput sequencing |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
33 | 刘洪涛 | The complete mitochondrial genome of Ternate False Fusus Brunneifusus ternatanus Gmelin, 1791 (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea:Melongenidae) obtained using next-generation sequencing |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
34 | 刘洪涛 | Toll protein family structure, evolution and response of the whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) to exogenous iridescent virus | Journal of Fish Diseases |
35 | 刘洪涛 | Pathogen of Vibrio harveyi infection and C-type lectin proteins in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) | Fish & Shellfish Immunology |
36 | 杨明秋 | The complete mitochondrial genome of Purple Spot Mantis Shrimp Gonodactylus smithii (Pocock, 1893) |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B |
37 | 罗鸣 | Deep-sea bacteria trigger settlement and metamorphosis of the mussel Mytilus coruscus larvae | Sci Rep |
38 | 罗鸣 | Impact of temperature on survival and spinal development of golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) | Aquaculture Reports |
39 | 涂志刚 | 《星点笛鲷池塘人工育苗试验》 | 《科学养鱼》,第10期 |
40 | 贾舒雯 | Introgression of phylogeography lineages of Convolvulus gortschakovii (Convolvulaceae) in the northwest China | Plant Systematics and Evolution |
41 | 陈石泉 | Mapping the seagrass conservation and restoration priorities: Coupling habitat suitability and anthropogenic pressures | Ecological Indicators |
42 | 陈石泉 | 海南岛海草床分布变化及恢复建议 | 海洋环境科学 |
43 | 陈石泉 | 海南高隆湾海草床修复成效及影响因素 | 应用海洋学报 |
44 | 张羽翔,刘维,赵海龙,吴程宏,陈敏 | 海南岛近岸春秋季游泳动物多样性分析 | 渔业研究 |
45 | Xingjuan Wang1,2, Zhongjie Wu3*, Yibo Wu1,2, Mingxun An1,2, Zhi Zhou1,2 * and Senjie Lin4 |
Differential Affinities of a Pocillopora damicornis Galectin to Five Genera of Symbiodiniaceae at Different Temperatures |
frontiers in Marine Science |
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