

来源: 发布时间:2023-07-26 17:34


  [1] Renfu Fan*, Hao Wei, Youyu Lu, Liang Zhao, Wei Zhao, Hongtao Nie. Variations of bottom boundary layer turbulence under the influences of tidal currents, waves, and raft aquaculture structure in a shallow bay[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(3), 531.

  [2] Jitao Yu,Yuanting Ding, Pei Liu, Renfu Fan, Lin Zhang*. Effects of a shore-normal coastal structure on the medium-to long-term embayed shoreline evolution[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023.(accepted).

  [3]叶茂松, 解习农, 杜学斌, 赵珂, 吴峰.“组分混合”沉积的储层非均质性及形成机理—以渤海海域古近系沙河街组一、二段为例[J]. 沉积学报, 2023, 1-23.

  [4]巫统仁, 刘培?, 于吉涛, 文婷婷.平衡剖面模式下海岸线遥感提取中不同潮位校正方法对比研究[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2023, 6: 1-11

  [5]李天驰, 王道儒, 赵亮*, 凡仁福. 基于Landsat-8遥感数据的西沙永乐环礁底质分类与变化分析[J]. 自然资源遥感, 2023, 1-11.


  [1] Jitao Yu, Yuanting Ding, Lin Zhang, Pei Liu, Renfu Fan*.Erosion hotspot indentified along the sandy coast of Shanwei: characteristics and origin[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022.(accepted).

  [2] Huang Shanshan, Ma Chao, Liu Pei*.Responses of sustainable development indicators to human activities and climate change in ecologically fragile areas of impoverished counties in China[J]. Natural Resources Forum, 2022, 46 (4): 450-480.

  [3] Xuebin Du*, Maosong Ye*, Xinong Xie, KeZhao, Jixin Jia, Xiaofeng Du. Why is it easy to form high-quality reservoirs in a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system? Evidence from diagenetic characteristics[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2022, 212: 110339.

  [4]杨迎港, 刘培?, 张合兵, 张文志. 基于特征优选随机森林算法的GF-2影像分类[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2022, 43(2): 115-126.

  [5]孙书腾, 刘培?, 王光彦. 基于多时相主被动遥感协同处理的洪涝灾害应急监测[J]. 水利水电技术(中英文), 2022, 53(9): 25-35.

  [6]孙书腾, 梁乃安, 刘培?, 张霖.基于深度学习的Sentinel-1 SAR影像洪水分割研究[J]. 现代测绘, 2022, 45(6): 12-15.

  [7]朱萝云, 刘婷婷, 凡仁福, 丁圆婷,于吉涛*. 1986–2019年粤东企望湾砂质海岸线演变过程与驱动机制研究[J]. 海洋学报, 2022, 44(7): 82-94.

  [8]杨迎港, 刘培?, 张合兵, 张文志. 基于特征优选随机森林算法的GF-2影像分类[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2022, 43(2): 1-12.

  [9]陈春华,蔡绍孟,刘建波,宋长伟,丁翔宇.无人机航测技术再海草床调查中的试点应用, 应用海洋学学报, 2022年11月


  [1]Maosong Ye*, Xinong Xie, Rudy Swennen, Changgui Xu, Xiaofeng Du, Xuebin Du. Depositional characteristics of a lacustrine mixed sediment system: A case study from the eastern Shijiutuo Uplift, offshore Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2021, 209: 104671.

  [2]Jitao Yu, Yuanting Ding, Huangxin Cheng. Sediment textural characteristics and spatial variability of embayed sandy beaches in the west Guangdong[J]. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2021, 45: 101801.

  [3]Chao Ma, Tingting Li, Pei Liu*. GIMMS NDVI3g+ (19822015) response to climate change and engineering activities along the QinghaiTibet Railway[J]. Landscape Indicator, 2021, 128: 107821.

  [4]Pei Liu, Xiaoying Zhang, Chao Ma, Hebing Zhang. 2021. Ecological Security Assessment Based on Remote Sensing and Landscape Ecology Model[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2021: 6684435.

  [5]刘培, 谷灿, 李庆亭, 张合兵, 韩瑞梅, 陈正超. 基于MSF_SSD多尺度融合与 PSPNET 深度网络语义分割的尾矿库流域风险监测[J]. 遥感学报, 2021, 25(7): 1460-1473.

  [6] 陈春华,蔡绍孟,刘建波,宋长伟,丁翔宇. 无人机航测技术在海草床调查中的试点应用[J]. 应用海洋学报,2022,41(4):637-643


  [1] Ding Yuangting, Yu Jitao*, Cheng Huangxin. Beach morphodynamic characteristics and classifications on the straight coastal sectors in the west Guangdong[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2020, 30(7): 1179-1194.

  [2] Ruimei Han, Pei Liu?, Guangyan Wang, Hanwei Zhang, Xilong Wu. Advantage of combining OBIA and classifier ensemble method for Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery Classification[J]. Journal of sensors, 2020: 8855509.

  [3] Pei Liu, Shoujun Jia, Ruimei Han, Yuanping Liu, Xiaofeng Lu, Hanwei Zhang. RS and GIS supported Urban LULC and UHI changes simulation and assessment[J]. Journal of sensors, 2020: 5863164.

  [4]Yin C, Huang H, Wang D, Liu Y, Guo Z. The characteristics of storm wave behavior and its effect on cage culture using the ADCIRC+SWAN model in Houshui Bay, China [J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020, 19(2): 307-319.

  [5]张合兵, 张克, 刘培*, 余志远, 赵嘉伟. 基于RS 和GIS 的矿区生态指标提取与安全评价—以焦作矿区为例[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2020, 48(4): 80-88.

  [6]尹超, 黄海军, 王道儒, 谢琳. 海南岛近岸养殖区台风浪预报技术研究[J]. 海洋科学, 2020, 44(1): 1-7.

  [7]陈海洲. 莺歌海三莺村岸段人工沙滩工程岸线数值模拟以及模型的验证方法[J]. 海洋科学,2020.4:44-51.

  [8]陈小艳.基于层次分析法的海南省潟湖综合整治选址方案研究[J]. 城镇建设, 2020,3(25).



  [1] Renfu Fan, Liang Zhao, Youyu Lu, Hongtao Nie, Hao Wei*.Impacts of currents and waves on bottom drag coefficient in the East China Shelf Seas[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2019, 124(11), 7344-7354.

  [2] Renfu Fan, Hao Wei, Liang Zhao, Wei Zhao, Chengfei Jiang, Hongtao Nie*. Identify the impacts of waves and tides to coastal suspended sediment concentration based on high-frequency acoustic observations[J]. Marine Geology, 2019, 408: 154-164.

  [3]Yuanting Ding, Jitao Yu*, Huangxin Cheng. Long-term wave climate characteristics and potential impacts on embayed beaches along the west Guangdong coastline[J]. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2019, 30: 100741.

  [4]Maosong Ye*, Xinong Xie, Changgui Xu, Xiaofeng Du, Xuebin Du, Zhangqiang Song. Sedimentary features and their controls in a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate system in a shallow lake area: An example from the BZ‐X block in the Huanghekou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China[J]. Geological Journal, 2019, 54(4): 2016-2033.

  [5] Zhang Lin, Wang Y. G., Chen D. K., Chen Cheng. Prediction and Correction of Scaling Effects on Velocity Profile in Hydraulic Laboratory Experiments[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019, 149: 31-42.

  [6]刘培, 余志远, 马威, 韩瑞梅, 陈正超, 王涵, 杨磊库.基于地形信息的Landsat与Radarsat?2 遥感数据协同分类研究[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2019, 34(6): 1269-1275.

  [7]陈海洲,李元超. 文昌椰林湾珊瑚礁生态系统的健康状况及其对围填海建设的生态响应[J].海洋环境科学.2019年8月.


  [1] Pei Liu, Shoujun Jia, Ruimei Han, and Hanwei Zhang. Landscape Pattern and Ecological Security Assessment and Prediction Using Remote Sensing Approach[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2018: 1058513.

  [2] Ruimei Han, Pei Liu*, Han Wang, Leiku Yang, Hanwei Zhang, Chao Ma. 2017. An Improved Urban Mapping Strategy Based on Collaborative Processing of Optical and SAR Remotely Sensed Data[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017: 9361592.

  [3] Zhang Lin, Wang Y. G., Huang H. M., Nie Xin. 2018. Scaling Impacts on Scour in Distorted Models. Scour and Erosion IX. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, ICSE 2018, 5-9 Nov, Taipei.

  [4]叶茂松, 解习农, 徐长贵, 杜晓峰, 宋章强,杜学斌. 混积岩分类命名体系及对混积岩储层评价的启示—以渤海海域混积岩为例[J]. 地质论评, 2018, 64(5): 1118-1131.


  [6]陈海洲, 李元超. 文昌椰林湾珊瑚礁生态系统的健康状况及其对围填海建设的生态响应[J]. 海洋环境科学, 2019, 38(4): 533-539 

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